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Hometown Roofing KC

Matt Floyd had worked in retail all of his teenage and adult life, so customer care and customer experience has always been important to him. After many years of working in sales, Matt was able to find his passion in roofing. After seeing what other customers were experiencing, he knew there had to be a different way to ensure customers have a smooth, friendly, and easy experience. In 2018, Hometown Roofing was born. A company built off the values that matter most to him. Values such as family, community, trust, transparency and taking care of those around him. These very values that he lives by is what separates him from the rest. Providing you with a customer experience that simply can’t be beat. It starts with Hometown Roofing’s Kansas City staff. Matt knows from his own experience that a background in customer service is key to making the roofing experience as easy and enjoyable as possible. Why? Because the focus is on the customer’s needs, not the product.
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Roofing Services
Here’s how: we are different from other residential roofing companies because we are a team of customer service professionals who understand how important it is to provide service, not just a product. We are transparent: when we sit down with a new client to review the state of their roof and what we can offer, we break the budget down to the penny and explain where every dime is going. This means the customer knows exactly what we’re doing and why. We walk through every single step of the process because we realize that even though we know what we’re talking about, someone who’s never been through the process (or doesn’t do it day in, day out, as an occupation) doesn’t know what we know.


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1606 W Main St, Greenwood, MO 64034,

Greenwood, Missouri 64034